• ParkingPsychology
    2510 months ago

    They all migrate to USA in hope of getting jobs at big techs.

    Eh… It’s overrated. The pay is better, but otherwise it is definitely a downgrade. Maybe from east EU, it’s a decent deal, from west EU, it’s very disappointing. You basically end up thinking “but the money is good” over and over and wanting to go back to actual civilization.

    • @[email protected]
      -710 months ago

      That “money is good” fixes a lot of problems, though.

      I’ve heard that developers in US can even afford a house!?! Crazy, huh, I couldn’t believe it either…

      • 520
        10 months ago

        I can live a luxury lifestyle in Spain on a budget that would be below poverty lines in the US.

        ‘money is good’ until it’s all gone in the blink of an eye and you have nearly nothing to show for it.

        • @[email protected]
          -210 months ago

          “luxury”, sure. Spain is one of the worse countries for high tech, with low salaries and still pretty high costs.

          ‘money is good’ until it’s all gone in the blink of an eye and you have nearly nothing to show for it.

          WDYM? Unlike Europe, you can actually save a lot for the future.

          This all is just one big cope. High tech workers in the US have it better than us. Tough luck, but it is what it is.

          • 520
            10 months ago

            “luxury”, sure. Spain is one of the worse countries for high tech, with low salaries and still pretty high costs.

            High costs? The highest cost place here is Barcelona and that still looks like a bargain compared to your average tech hub in America.

            Also yeah, I do mean a luxury lifestyle. As in, almost all the perks you’d expect from a holiday package as part of a daily lifestyle.

            WDYM? Unlike Europe, you can actually save a lot for the future.

            Oh sweet summer child…

            This all is just one big cope. High tech workers in the US have it better than us. Tough luck, but it is what it is.

            I’m a high tech worker myself. Maybe we’re in different markets (I’m in cybersecurity) but it sounds like you’re being swindled.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              Also yeah, I do mean a luxury lifestyle. As in, almost all the perks you’d expect from a holiday package as part of a daily lifestyle.

              If you mean those tiny, badly built hotel apartments/suites, then I have a different idea of luxury life.

              I used to be happy with a humble lifestyle when I was younger as well, but now with small kids, I want to provide them better living conditions.

              Oh sweet summer child…

              Do you have some actual argument instead of vague condescending remarks?

              I’m a high tech worker myself. Maybe we’re in different markets (I’m in cybersecurity) but it sounds like you’re being swindled.

              In a way, I do feel swindled since my direct US teammates on the same level earn about the double of what I do, with lower taxes and lower cost of living. But then I’m actually quite happy with my 200K EUR total compensation if I don’t compare.

              The problem is that my compensation is rather a big exception. Most seniors I know earn something between 60-80K, with 100K being pretty rare (outside my company).

              • 520
                10 months ago

                Only €200k salary? Eesh! I see what you mean! Absolutely unable to save with that kind of money, especially after yatch maintenance and a ticket on Bezos’s rocket!

                I was in that position until last year, when I got a bump to €500k. Hang in there. It gets better!

                • @[email protected]
                  10 months ago

                  I already said I’m pretty happy with my personal salary and conditions. But my salary is far from typical and most devs here get less than half of that.

                  If you really earn 500K then your “luxury life” makes more sense, but is even farther from a typical Spanish dev.