The latest show on Tenacious D’s Australian tour has been postponed after senator Ralph Babet demanded the pair be deported following an apparent joke about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

American comedy rock duo Jack Black and Kyle Gass were due to perform in Newcastle on Tuesday evening, but the show – part of the band’s Spicy Meatball Tour – was cancelled without notice on Tuesday afternoon.

Concert promoter Frontier Touring said on social media that it regretted “to advise that Tenacious D’s concert tonight at Newcastle Entertainment Centre has been postponed”.

Video from the event showed (Kyle) Gass being presented with a birthday cake and told to “make a wish” as he blew out the candles. Gass then appeared to say “don’t miss Trump next time” – just hours after the shooting at Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania that left the former president injured.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    as always, they’re based.

    i don’t think that idiot killing him would accomplish anything but don’t pretend it would’ve been a sad day if we lost a SELF-PROCLAIMED WANNABE DICTATOR.

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      I don’t think Trump’s death would solve anything.

      The only positive outcome is for him to get trashed in the polls in november.,

      • @[email protected]
        399 months ago

        Pragmatically it definitely would. Republicans have a fairly unpopular platform they’re running behind a demagogue. The rest of the party “stars” have the personality of a wet paper towel so hard to imagine them garnering anywhere near the enthusiasm.

      • Shadowedcross
        119 months ago

        It might not solve anything, but at least he’d be gone. We all know he isn’t going to be punished in any meaningful way for anything he’s done, so at least him being killed would mean he could no longer bring harm to anyone.

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        I think it would have. It would kick something off, but I have a feeling whatever got started would end fairly quickly.

        Also, like another reply to your comment said, the other possible candidates don’t have nearly the same amount of popularity with “the base”

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        In the short term, the GOP would have to decide on a new candidate, and one of them literally shot the ear off the current candidate so fat fucking chance, mate.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        It would, you don’t see people screaming “Republican Party!”, you see them screaming “Trump!”.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Not really, it died in Spain with Franco and in Italy with Mussolini and there was no second coming of the Nazi party in Argentina where all the officials ran to.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              except the republican party isn’t any of these parties. it was fascist before him and will stay so after him. anyone who thinks one man dying will suddenly stop the republican fascist party from enacting their agenda that they’ve been working on for decades is either wishcasting or has been in a coma for the last half century.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Ok but what would they scream if Trump was assassinated? It wouldn’t solve the hyper partisan hatred.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        He’ll get stomped in November. Volunteer to drive people to vote, anything you can do to help others have their vote heard. Something the right works VERY hard on making sure doesn’t happen because they know if everyone votes, they lose. If you think about it, that’s the biggest problem we have. We have a minority making terrible decisions for us, because they’re just in it for the money and their sponsors, the corporations. Their voters are fools that are fueled by hatred and stupidity.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Their voters are fools that are fueled by hatred and stupidity.

          Whole-heartedly agreed on this.

          Perhaps this is arrogance, but I have the strongly held opinion that the vast majority of conservative voters vote against their own interests.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            I agree with you 100%. They do in order to cause hurt on others. They don’t see irony either.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              in order to cause hurt on others

              Actually that’s not my experience. This might be a really simplistic view but in Australia it seems the left supports the working class, and the right favors the corporate class.

              My parents, now in their 80s, have been firmly “working class” their whole lives, and are now retired and living on a government pension.

              They’ve voted for the conservatives their entire lives simply because of conservative values around social issues. They don’t seem to realise that their preferred party is also reducing social benefits like their pensions.

              I see this exact dynamic a lot. As in… “my life is so hard because there are no social services or financial support, it must be the fault of immigrants, so I’ll vote for conservatives who will be mean to immigrants and poor people, and make me feel better about my hard working self”.

              Which leads me to the next category… a lot of Asian migrants are deeply conservative, and the conservative party is constantly seeking to make migration from non european countries more and more difficult. My partner is a first generation migrant from Asia, so this is something I see a lot from her and her compatriots.

              That said, I guess there’s a strong undercurrent of, as you say, people just being so miserable and beat down they feel like someone must be to blame, and if a conservative govt is going to put some minority under the thumb then that might feel pretty good.

              IDK. Shit is fucked.

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      Kyle Gass was based, not Jack. Jack Black denounced the statement, canceled the tour and put the entire duo on hiatus. Utter sellout.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      I tentatively agree. The man himself I have no sympathy for, but an assassination of presidential nominee would have made everything even worse. GOP would get a huge boost, and could replace Trump with someone that is actually competent enough to fully implement their 2025 treason-esque bullshit. Not to mention how much that would have inflamed an already looney tunes level of political discourse.

      It’s also just not how we should do things in America. Call me a hopeless patriot, but we should try to live up to the ideals we espouse.

      • @[email protected]
        139 months ago

        Why does everyone say they would get a boost? Literally no one who is going to vote for Biden is going to change their vote because of that. At most it would energize the base but Republicans don’t really have an issue with that like Democrats anyway.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          the problem isn’t that a replacement candidate energizes republican voters, it’s that TFG energizes democratic voters. he invokes a lot of negative partisanship. there are a lot of people who think “bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE”, but more people think so when one of the sides isn’t the orange turd, so with him gone there would likely be less turnout for democrats.

          idk why people keep forgetting how unpopular he is and always was. the reason biden is getting his ass kicked in the polls isn’t because his opponent is popular. it’s because he’s giving major “died years ago and being weekend at bernie’sd through the election season” vibes.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        He was shot by a conservative. Why would there be a boost? It’s not like this would be in an alternate universe where he was shot by an antifa supersoldier. If Joe Biden got shot by a Democratic loner people would think “man that’s weird”, not “we have to punish the Republicans”.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I don’t think it would prompt some kind of vindictive vote. That side of it is only going to energize those who were vehemently republican anyway. Republicans would hammer on any and all sympathy they can eke from having their candidate assassinated (regardless of the truth they will say it was the left, and at best people will think the guy was just crazy), and the average person only half paying attention will eat it up. Dems would be even more hamstrung in their rhetoric against the GOP considering the gravity of an event like that. Even with that aside, they’re now running Joe Biden against whichever face the GOP tells their voters to line up behind – who you can bet will be all in on the kind of stuff that will do even more lasting damage to our country. Biden is not a strong candidate, and without the uniquely unlikable personality and character of Trump I’m not sure there’s enough motivation amongst voters to carry him to another term.

          But all of that was a lot to type, so I just said it would give them a massive boost

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          It wouldn’t be a hydra.

          If you chop off a head, then 2 heads of half its size would appear.

          It isn’t like the Trump base would double in size.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            it’s not about the base. it’s about democratic turnout. TFG not being there would likely reduce turnout. that’s not good for the democrats.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      It would definitely accomplish something. It’s not clear if that would necessarily be a positive thing, but it would definitely be a pivotal moment in history. Even just the attempted assassination might eventually be seen as pivotal.

      The right-wing is full of so many contradictory forces, and right now it’s only Trump’s cult of personality that’s holding them together. It seems very likely to me that post-Trump they’re going to fracture. If Trump becomes dictator he’ll probably groom Don Jr. to succeed him, and he’ll eliminate anybody who might question that decision. But, right now, Jr. is not in a position to take over from dad, so if Trump were no longer in the picture, there would be a power vacuum and massive infighting.

      But, if the assassination attempt had succeeded, there would probably have been a lot more political killings, and just violence in general.