If you go the video, You will see it’s gone. So Youtube being Youtube.
Here’s a Odysee mirror of the video,
Funny, considering in the past he’s gone on big rants about how adblocking is no different from piracy, and is theft.
But then again, its Linus we’re talking about, its not like he has a particularly big issue with theft anymore.
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We all fucking know what ‘piracy’ means in terms of software piracy and copyright infringement.
People like you are just being pedantic for the sake of derailing the argument.
Just admit you are a fucking leech and move on.
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Me: stop being a pedantic twat, we all know what everyone means by piracy in this case
You: let me be even more pedantic
It’s ok bro just admit you’re a leech and move on.
You literally do not have to use YouTube.
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It’d make you less of a self righteous leech for a start.
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This is correct, he both explained how ad blocking hurts creators, and how ultimately he doesn’t mind because purchasing merch is way more beneficial to them then the adsense money.
All he was saying is do what you want to do but don’t pretend your actions don’t impact other people. Do it with open eyes if you’re going to do it.
To be clear, blocking ads isn’t directly denying anyone money. YouTube decides how video creators are paid and they choose to not pay if ads are blocked. You can agree or disagree with that decision, but the user has no role in it.
Personally I think it’s shitty that YouTube can just refuse to pay for the content people create for them.
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I did not agree to anything. When I open the site they just start serving videos to me (even autoplay is activated by default). If they don’t want me to watch their videos without ads they should stop serving them to me (ie, put them behind a paywall)
Ownership implies a device should be controlled by the user. I don’t just mean not playing adverts but how about not recording my voice (or other data) to send it to Google servers for them to keep and exploit? You’re free to believe in this implied agreement but I doubt that’s in your best interests.
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By this argument going to the bathroom during a commercial break is piracy.
This isnt “someone being offended when accused of piracy”
This is " People getting upset when an idiot tries to blame end users, instead of holding the people who created the problem accountable"
Cause adblock isnt a user problem.
Its an ad service problem. They created a hostile environment where people had to run adblockers to protect themselves against unmoderated and unpoliced content and malicious/infected advertising.
If you have issues, blame the people who caused it, not the end users trying to protect themselves.
Did Linus blame anyone though?
No. He simply stated a fact.
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Actually I have a track record of 100% getting up to do stuff when ads happen
Like what are you even doing in your life bro?
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Ad blocker on a tv broadcast, sure.
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Yeah, him calling it piracy or not doesn’t matter, it’s just a stupid semantic argument that doesn’t matter at all to his overall point. And while I think it’s a stupid take of him, it’s also the reason people are still bringing up his opinion on the matter, so good job of him spreading his message I guess?
If they want payment, they can require registration, agreement to payment and authentication. Nothing’s stopping them. If they put something on the open web and try to monetize it, nobody owes them a living. If I put a display in a shop window, and include wording that says that looking at the display means you’re obligated to also hear a sales pitch, everyone will rightly tell me to fuck off.
Choosing not to load potential spyware, malware and bloatware while looking at free content is no more piracy than is crossing the street while shopping to avoid a tout.
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I think he mentioned that ad-blocking is priacy, but I don’t recall he said piracy is theft or piracy is inheritly unethical.
He mentioned many time that he pirates stuff, except he would pay for them first.
He did address this in the video
Do you have a source? I’ve watched his videos for awhile but I don’t remember hearing this take from him.
It was in the streams with Luke. I dont remember the exact ones, I’m sorry. I can say that the last time I saw it was years ago, though, but thats because I stopped watching his content years ago.
actually found a clip embedded in another site, i’m shocked.
It was on an episode of the WAN show a while back (I don’t know which, I stopped watching a while ago). He said if you’re not paying for the service or watching the Ads, it’s the same as Piracy because your not paying what’s owed.
Which is incorrect, because Google itself went like 15 years without showing any ads at all to like 5% of their users.
If some hawker comes up to me and pushes a bunch of flowers in my face while I’m out walking, I’m not obligated to pay for smelling them. And if they’re sufficiently aggressive, they’re committing assault.
He talks about it in this video (the video this thread is about)
No, because that isn’t Linus’s take.
I think he’s referencing a stream once upon a time where Linus discussed the arguments around streaming and it’s impact on creators, from a creator’s perspective .
But because he uttered something in favor of ads on his videos-which is how they got paid-he’s now considered ultra pro invasive ads by the user above, who professes to not actually watching Linus
No, it was most definitely Linus’s take. Louis Rossman covered this a couple of years ago. Direct Linus quote from that Twitter thread:
Linus himself covers those Twitter comments, and defends them further, in this video.
@[email protected] @[email protected]
I really don’t get the hate he got for that take.
Circumventing the method of payment could be argued as being a form of piracy. From that point of view, adblock is piracy.
Like them or not, YouTube is not a charity and requires the serving of ads to continue funding the service. You could argue about how they go about it, but it’s a fact they need some sort of income to continue to exist.
Same goes for YouTubers. They get a percentage of that ad revenue. And they also need some form of income.
But just because he said so doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand why adblock is used. He didn’t say “don’t use adblock.” He’s shown how to use adblock before and since. He’s also mentioned that buying something from their webshop gives them a lot more money than turning off adblock.
Saying “watching movies for free is pirating” isn’t the same as saying “you shouldn’t pirate movies”.
Using adblock isn’t engaging with YouTube on YouTube’s terms.
Adblocking isnt piracy, from any point of view.
Its protection. Protection from sudden loud noises and visual diarrhea. Protection from malware and viruses from random website ads, and protection from Right Wing Extremist Propaganda like PragerU videos detailing how the black man should be grateful for the history of slavery and oppression (which has had a documented, factual effect on driving people into right wing extremist behavior, and the violent rhetoric and actions that inevitably follow)
As long as all of that exists, Adblocking will never be piracy. Adblocking is, and will be, mandatory protection.
And if Linus, or anyone else, wants to clutch pearls and cry about adblocking… They can take their complaints to Google/Facebook/Other Ad services, because their lack of moderation and inability to policing content on their services are directly responsible for creating the necessity for adblocking.
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To tack onto your list, ad blocking also deprives a source from an intended revenue stream associated with the content, which is probably why it’s being compared to piracy.
I’m all on board with ad blockers, let’s just at least acknowledge the economic reality surrounding their use.
The economic reality is that I have to use adblocking because ad services refuse to police and moderate their system. Thats the economic reality that they created.
Having a problem with the end user protecting themselves from what the advertisers and their ad services created is just trying to shift blame.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t piracy?
Downloading old Nintendo ROMs because the company refuses to redistribute them is also piracy, even though I would say it’s morally justified.
That’s where Youtube premium comes in. To protect you from ads with a cost per month.
You…really don’t have to.
Again, I’m all for ad blockers, I use Firefox, I’ve ran my own pihole instance, etc.
I’m just going to be frank, you’re being a little melodramatic. Do you just get vaporized when you use someone else’s computer and an ad blocker isn’t installed? Likely not.
Ironically, by framing what is just a quality of life thing as a mandatory reaction to content providers actions, it sounds like you’re the one trying to shift blame onto them. Your entire argument has very strong “LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE ME DO” energy.
All I’m saying is call a spade a spade. I acknowledge that by using an ad blocker, I’m economically negatively affecting the content provider. I’m okay with that. On some websites I’ll disable the ad blocker, if it’s one I use a lot with reasonable constraints.
From your point of view, yeah. Not from the point of view of the creator and the platform.
Linus isn’t clutching his pearls nor is he crying, he’s just pointing out you are circumventing the method of payment to the platform. It is detrimental to both the platform and the creator. That is a fact. Your choice has an impact and you should be aware of that.
But at no point did he say “you’re a bad person if you use adblock”.
What has got you so worried?
Found the Liberal
And yet he never said not to adblock, so the only thing he claims are the categorization of adblocking.
I’d argue this as well. I see it in a similar way. Linus is obviously not trying to sit on some high horse and condemn piracy, he’s just calling a spade a spade.
No, he’s calling a spade a backhoe. Piracy is one of two things, depending on your definition:
Blocking ads does neither of those things, it merely blocks loading of content that you don’t want to see. It’s basically the modern version of a DVR, where you can choose to cut out portions of a video that you don’t want (e.g. the ads).
These things are technically piracy:
Blocking ads isn’t one of those things, neither is skipping over parts of a video you don’t want to see (i.e. the sponsor segment).
Blocking ads reduces revenue to Google and the video creator. That doesn’t make it piracy, it’s just being a jerk to the platform and the creator.
In those tweets? Sure. But that’s not an argument I was making, so this is a strawman from you that doesn’t actually counter any of the evidence I have provided. Did Linus say ad-blocking was piracy? Yes. Did Linus say ad-blocking was theft? Yes.
Whether you think this is moral hypocrisy is irrelevant to me. I was only calling out the previous commenter who straight up lied about Linus’s history and then attempted to frame the people who were right as uninformed and wrong.
The comment was replying to one about it being funny that Linus made a video about adblocking when he considers adblocking piracy. That would imply he is against adblocking in general, which your links does not show.
Yes, he considers it piracy, but he is not against adblocking, which is why the original point of the parent comment doesn’t make sense.
Read that second paragraph from me again:
If you want to have a debate about the parent comment, debate the person who made the parent comment. That’s not me and I do not care about the point you are trying to make here.
I did read it the first time, which is why I brought up the context of the first comment, which implied that Linus is against adblocking.
The comment you claimed to be lying is talking about the actual context of why Linus compared adblocking with piracy, which is about content creators and payment of their content.
I’m only calling you out for making a point that is not in the context of the actual thread, not against the proof of what you posted in the first place, so I’m not sure we’re even in disagreement here.
I watched this video before it was taken down. At the start of the YouTube section he says something along the lines of “I think ad block is theft, but you’re going to do it, so I have a responsibility to make sure you do it safely.”
My ass he cares if you do it safely.
He’s just trying to pull views from the current controversy. Which I have no problem with, thats what youtubers do. They try to ride every wave and pull viewers from it.
I just take issue with the smug hypocrisy he exhibits while doing it.
It’s a little bit more nuanced than that. Yes you’re denying ad revenue but it’s not a bad thing.
They are being paid by third parties to shove something in your face that you didn’t come to see in the first place. They’re not entitled to earn a cent from that, regardless of what bait they choose to place in the trap.
Who elected them and who consented to this manipulative, intrusive arrangement?
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“These are my Principles and if you don’t like them, I have others”
Linus didn’t say piracy is theft to my knowledge. He pirates a bunch of games.