I’m not sure I remember the part where Indy is buried chest deep in sand with one fist defiantly raised … It looks more like a character model glitched under the map!
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I think OPs point is that if Indy was burrowing a hole in the desert, and some random started talking to him, Indy probably wouldn’t respond by punching his way out of the hole.
I’m not sure he’s digging a hole when he seems to be stuck up to his chest! 😂
Because he is. The person he is speaking to is a Nazi. there are other Nazis behind him. They probably dug a hole a left him there to die or something (we lack context for the scene, but it’s believable). Full scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e17p2IVDUU
You know it’s not a movie adaptation game, yes?
I was trying to make a joke about the character model looking like it had fallen through the floor.